Star Wars Fanfic
by Am-Chau Yarkona
(non-profit fan productions. George Lucas duly acknowledged.)
Xiphoid Thoughts. An ABC challenge fic, Han/Luke. quite harmless.
Trapped Reply to my first challenge on the Luke_And_Han list. quite harmless; but darkfic.
"Speak But One Rhyme" Relpy to my second challenge for the Luke_and_Han list. quite harmless.
No Accident Happens Twice My fourth challenge for the Luke_and_Han list. quite harmless.
Journey's End Post-ROTS Obi-Wan-centric gen.
S.W.A.L.K. Set in Jedi Rita's Obi-Wan/Bail series, post-"Batter My Heart". Obi-Wan recieves a mysterious parcel. Mushy.
Not Changing My Mind "Mace's position on the council is threatened." For the SW F-Q-F, Mace/Qui-Gon.
Red Lights Mean Go As Well As Stop "Obi-Wan is a virgin." For the SW F-Q-F, a strange little piece about Obi-Wan and Dex, with Anakin in the background.
Love's Laundry Lists For the SW F-Q-F, "If an item of Yoda's clothing could talk, it would say... what?". Silliness.
To Kindle Fire With Snow My version of the epic Bail Organa/Obi-Wan Kenobi romance. Link is to the index page on livejournal.