Title: Watching, Waiting
Author: Am-Chau Yarkona
Rating: PG
Pairing: Hawkeye/Radar
Disclaimer: These characters do not belong to me.
Summary: A five minute fic from Raven's challenge. Radar lies awake at night, thinking.

Somewhere out there, the darkness gives way to light and there’s the other side of the world. My family are still in that light, but I’ve been plunged into the dark with only you and the war for company.

You, and the war. Enemies to the day one of you is dead. You have eyes of brightest blue, full of life and love, that spills over into your work and your friendships; the war has eyes that are shaded by night, hidden in the bushes and scrubland, always watching and waiting for a chance to pump their fear and hatred into us.

Somewhere out there, the other side of the darkened compound, you lie in your army cot and rest as best you can, waiting for the war to pass. Somewhere, too, the war waits: it’s trying to kill you, even as my feelings for you are killing me.

