Title: Once Upon A Time
Author: Am-Chau Yarkona
Rating: PG-15
Disclaimer: These are not my characters.
“Once upon a time, there were two doctors…”
“… and they got drunk.”
“Right. They got drunk, every night, because the world was crazy and they had to fit in somehow. But—and this is the good bit—they didn’t…”
“’S’not the good bit. ‘S the bad bit. They didn’t have any money, or time alone…”
“Or whipped cream…”
“Or whipped cream, and they were very sad. They had a friend…”
“Just one—remember that.”
“One friend, and he was at least a foot shorter than they were, and younger, and he was like a son to them.”
“What happens next?”
“I don’t know, Hawkeye. Do you know, Radar?”
“Um… no, sir. I, err, think I’d better go.”
“Okay. See you in the morning.”
“Right. Sleep well, sirs.”
“Don’t be silly, Radar. If I’m lucky we won’t do that.”
“Goodnight, Hawkeye.”