Title: Games
Author: Am-Chau Yarkona
Rating: G
Disclaimer: Not my characters.
Pairing: Hawkeye/Trapper implied, Hawkeye/Klinger suggested.


“Duck!” Klinger said. “Well, I guess it makes a change from unidentifiable slop.”

“Yeah,” Hawkeye agreed. They chewed in silence, the meat tougher than ideal, the rest a tasteless lump.

“Trapper still on his two day pass?” Klinger asked after a while.

Hawkeye nodded, “Lucky bastard.”

“You must be lonely without him here.”

“Yeah.” /You don’t know how lonely, Klinger./

“Want to play cards tonight? With BJ and Zale gone and the Colonel on post-op, it’ll probably be just you and me, but the still should help.”

“You mean, ‘Please, Hawkeye, can I come round to the Swamp tonight and get drunk?’.”

“Something like that.”

“Of course. Anything to annoy Frank.”

“Thanks, captain. I’d kiss you, but this isn’t the place.”

Hawkeye grinned, thinking, /Sure you would. And if Trapper found out, he’d kill you/, and went on chewing.

