My, What Long Legs You Have
by Am-Chau Yarkona
Challenge-fic for T'Marii, who wanted "Anything to do with spiders (large, small, intelligent, stupid, comedy, horror...!!)"


The cave was cold, and rather damp.

Kirk woke slowly, stretched his legs one by one, and then scuttled across the ceiling to where Spock stood patiently on their web, waiting for breakfast to fly in.

"Morning, lover," he said, rubbing his maxillae over one of Spock's eight knee-joints. "Anything interesting happen?"

"Not much. Uhura went by again about an hour ago—she asked again if you are ready to mate," Spock reported.

"I hope you told her no," Kirk said.

Spock conveyed the affirmative answer with an economical leg-wave. "I did, Jim."

"Good," Kirk shuddered. "I mean, it's all very well waking up one morning to find that you're a black widow spider, and a male one at that, but I don't see why I should give in to evolution."

"At this stage I consider it more logical not to," Spock agreed, and then was distracted by a moth on the outer edge of the web. "Breakfast is here."

