Keeping Warm
by Am-Chau Yarkona (
written for nostalgia_lj, in the hope that she'll write me fic in return.
Pairing: Sam/Jack/Daniel
Rating: NC-17


The cave was much like any other cave on any other planet: it was cold, damp, and uncomfortable.

"Thank God Teal'c isn't here," Jack muttered, when Daniel's booted foot connected with his leg yet again. Saying 'stop kicking me' had lost all effect some time ago. "We would never have fitted four of us in."

"Yeah," Daniel agreed listlessly, trying to lie still for a while. "It would be warmer if there were more of us, though," he added, as another shiver racked his body.

"Closer physical proximity would help," Sam said.

"Okay, okay," Jack sighed. "We're going to end up with someone with hypothermia at this rate. Snuggle up, and that's an order."

Daniel pressed himself to Jack's body with rather more enthusiasm than was strictly required. More slowly, Sam followed suit, lying along Daniel's back and draping an arm over his waist.

There was silence for a moment, as they adjusted to the new setting and relaxed slightly into the extra warmth seeping through their layers of clothing.

"I'm never going to get to sleep," Daniel moaned, yawning. "I'm tired, but this is so awkward…"

Jack rolled his eyes, but said, "And if you don't sleep, you're gonna talk, right? So I might as well give in and talk back."

His head resting on Jack's shoulder, Daniel nodded.

"Then for heaven's sake," Jack said, "pick something interesting to talk about."

"What's interesting?" Daniel asked.

Sam said, "Quarks," but Jack spoke over her.

"Sex, drugs, rock and roll."

There was a touch of challenge in his voice, and Daniel couldn't resist rising to the bait. "Any of those, or do you want to be more specific?"

"We've got plenty of time," Jack said. "Start at the beginning."

"Okay," Daniel said, but didn't begin.

"I think he's too shy, sir," Sam said after a couple of minutes.

"I'm not shy!" Daniel protested. "I'm just… getting my thoughts in order.  Sex is a basic biological function, so it's not actually that interesting for itself—the interesting part is the views of the society around it. For example, the modern American attitude to homosexuality—a situation in which it's approved by some sections of society, called a sin by others, and is a daily topic of discussion in the press—is a fascinating example of a mixed…"

"Danny," Jack put in, "that's not what I call interesting."

"Oh? What do you call it?" Daniel asked.

"He calls it anthropology," Sam explained, in a tone which was understanding and sympathetic but nevertheless made it clear that she, too, considered anthropology a synonym for boring.

"Huh," Daniel said. "What do you want, then, a demonstration?"

A pause, during which Daniel hoped that he hadn't actually said that; and then Jack called his bluff. "If you're offering," he said, dryly.

Hoping to turn it back into a joke, Sam said quickly, "He'll need help if he's to demonstrate modern American homosexuality, sir."

She realised too late that if Jack laughed at that, it would be tantamount to giving her the point, and the colonel was never one to concede. "And there was me thinking Daniel was a girl," he said, still utterly dead-pan. "It must be the floppy hair."

Daniel actually growled at that. He shoved Jack away a little, then rolled on top of him, fetching them up against the wall of the cave. "Steady," Jack said, and would have gone on, but Daniel shut him with a quick, rough kiss.

Sam stared, wide-eyed, and was shocked to find that she was turned on by the sight. Somehow, she managed to react anyway. "Daniel!" she gasped, and reached out, pulling him as far away from Jack as possible in the tiny space; he separated from Jack but ended up lying half-underneath her. Her hand rested—oddly comfortably—in Daniel's crotch, cupping the heat there.

"It's alright, Carter," Jack said, seeing her shock. "I guess I was asking for it." She nodded, though for some reason she still hadn't let go of Daniel.

There was another moment of silence, in which Daniel wriggled against her hand.

"Oh, sorry," she said, and released him.

He didn't move away, pouting instead. "I was enjoying that," he complained.

"Sorry," Sam said again. Somehow, it seemed logical to put her hand back where it had been, so she did. Later, when she came to write her report, it would be here that she first mentioned the possible side-effects of the gases emitted by the rocks that surrounded them.

"Ummmm…" Daniel said, a happy, contented noise. Jack smiled at him, and shuffled across the gap to wrap him in his arms.

"Sir," Sam began, but then Daniel kissed her, too.

When he'd finished, he pulled back a little and explained: "Kissing is very good at preserving body heat."

"Good plan, Danny," Jack said. Some part of his mind registered that they weren't behaving rationally, but the rest was more interested in Daniel's ass. He wriggled his hips. "Friction, too."

Sam saw no reason not to interpret that as an order. She rubbed her hand down Daniel's groin, and was rewarded by a nuzzling mouth on the lobe of her ear, which made her try bringing it up again, slowly but firmly.

"And," Daniel said, reasonably, when he'd let go of Sam's ear, "if we're more relaxed, we'll sleep better." So saying, he ground back against Jack, who gasped.

"Uh-huh," Jack agreed. Trying to regain a little control of the situation, he levered himself up onto one elbow, only to meet Sam's slightly worried eyes. He shrugged at her as Daniel thrust himself forward again into her hand. She nodded down at Daniel. Jack read her meaning: give in. If Daniel… you know, and then he goes to sleep, that's probably for the best. He nodded back.

While they'd been engaged in a moment of subtle communication, Daniel had been fumbling at Sam's pants, and had managed to open her zip.

She met Jack's eyes once more, but he didn't seem worried about it—seemed, in fact, to be inclined to lie back and enjoy the show—so she decided to make the best of it, and encouraged Daniel on with a slow kiss.

Daniel got his hand inside, but apparently it wasn't quite what he expected. "Huh."

"What?" Sam asked.

"You're a woman," Daniel replied, frowning up at her, and then shrugged. "Doesn’t matter."

"I should say not," Sam said, letting the sudden rush of feminist outrage go.

Behind Daniel, Jack was shaking his head. "Really, Danny, what did you expect?"

Daniel wiggled his fingers against Sam's clit as he thought about that, and then replied, "Actually, I thought that was you. You're over there." Having realised this, he removed his hand from Sam's underwear, rolled over, and began molesting Jack.

"Aww…" Sam complained. "I was just starting to enjoy that…"

Nobly, Jack reached an arm over Daniel and put his hand were Daniel had latterly been. "Better, Carter?" he asked.

Sam didn't reply, for which Jack was almost glad, because Daniel was starting to command his attention.

He started to say, "You're nearly there, Danny," when Daniel got there, and applied his talented fingers to all the wonderful things that he could do to there. He opted for "Oh, oh… Danny…" instead.

"Uh-huh," Daniel replied, pushing forward against Sam's hand, which had somehow replaced itself where it had been before he rolled over.

Daniel's fingers curled around Jack's cock made Jack's fingers curl, which in turn made Sam thrust her hips forwards, which pushed Daniel into her hand, which made Daniel's fingers hold tighter and pump faster, which rapidly led to a pile of moaning, groaning, post-orgasmic SGC personnel.

As Daniel had predicted, they soon fell asleep, much warmer for being near each other—although, as he had cause to consider lucky when he saw the frost on the ground next morning, Jack did remember to zip their flies up before they dozed off.

