I'm Just A Poor Boy
For blktuana
Based on this livejournal icon:
Just a poor boy.
It had, Ron felt, all the connotations required, and wouldn't Hermione be
pleased to hear him use a word that long.
Only. Nothing much. Not really worth bothering with; not worth notice; not worth
giving a present that was more exciting than a bloody diary.
A poor.
Not rich enough to have the things Harry had, or even the things Hermione had,
let alone the things Draco had. Not that he'd want those.
He'd had to wait for a new wand.
Silly, spotty, clumsy and awkward and not in the slightest like Viktor bloody
Krum, who was a young man almost by definition.
Just a poor boy.
Ron hated it, but it was all he had.
Just a poor boy.