Fanfic in other fandoms
by Am-Chau Yarkona
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(copyrighted property of Joss Whedon, etc; I make no profit, etc; fan site, etc; don't sue me, etc; etc, etc)
Dreams Mal and Simon... spend some time together. Almost preslash. harmless.
Morbid and Creepifying A little River ficlet. harmless.
Starsky and Hutch:
(copyrighted property, not mine, etc.)
Late Sometimes all you can do is reach out. Starsky/Hutch, fairly harmless.
Lord of the Rings:
(Dear old Professor, Peter Jackson, copyrighted, etc)
Pu-Erh and Patience Written for the Axe_Bow Yahoo Group. Legolas/Gimli, mild, silliness, slashiness, smirking.
After The End Non-slashy, post-RotK sappy fic. fairly harmless.
Harry Potter/Discworld Crossover
(J.K.Rowling, Pratchett, etc. No profit, just for fun, etc.)
A Most Unlikely Family co-written with Raven.
Star Trek: TOS
(copyrighted, not mine, etc)
Letter Home For the Yuletide challenge, Sarek/Amanda (with just a hint of Kirk/Spock, unseen), fairly harmless.
My, What Long Legs You Have Spiders in an AU. Kirk/Spock, arachnid warning, adult.
(not mine; you know the drill)
Down In The Mouth Dave always has a listening ear. Terry/Arthur, adult.
Stargate: SG-1
(not mine, as always; other folks, possibly there's a gekko involved)
Those Big Dark Eyes Thor asks Jack for a favour. Jack/Thor, very adult.
Old Enough Daniel's past is haunting him. Jack/Daniel, mild.
Teal'c Speaks: On Rest A short consideration of humanity from a Jaffa. harmless.
Keeping Warm Three quarters of SG-1 are off world. Sam/Jack/Daniel, very adult.
Twelve Days of a Stargate Christmas For Raven, because she's silly. Jack/Daniel, Sam/Janet. fairly harmless (drinking).
A Broken Life Companion fic to Raven's Nothing Left To Lose. fairly harmless, no real pairing.
Another World Getting Daniel Laid for a ficathon. Jack/Daniel, angst, adult.
Harry Potter/Stargate SG-1 Crossover
(The usual drill)
Learned Whores Daniel Jackson and Remus Lupin need to earn some money. They take an unlikely but obvious route. very adult.
(Jerry Seinfeld owns these characters, including himself)
Did You Ever...
Close Encounters
All Good Things Come To Sticky Ends
The West Wing
(Aaron Sorkin, etc., own the characters; no profit, etc.)
Drinks, Debates, and Darkness What it says on the tin. Josh/Sam, mild.
Events To Be Served Cold A Toby/Abbey story for the ficathon. Some revenge is entirely silent.
Doctor Who
(The BBC owns the Doctor and his companions. Russell T. Davies has control of the Ninth Doctor.)
Left Behind What might have happened to Mickey. Spoilers for Rose, mild, no pairing.
To No Longer Be A Sapling Doctor/Jabe, because Hathor dared me. Very adult.
not dating A little drabble for doyle_sb4. Not quite Doctor/Rose.
Five Things Which Didn't (In This Timeline) Happen At Jabe's Funeral What it says. Doctor/Jabe implied, mild.
If You See Me Running, Find Some Gloves A slightly silly story for the Tenth Doctor ficathon. Doctor/Jack fairly obvious, with annoyed Rose. Adult.
The Questioning John Smith, gen, spoilers for Human Nature and Family of Blood.
The Sandman
Neil Gaiman is responsible for creating the Sandman as we know him. I make no profit from this, and Neil says he doesn't mind fanfic. All hail GNeil!
Strange and Beautiful For 1character, 50 sentances about Dream of the Endless.
Doctor Who/Harry Potter/Buffy the Vampire Slayer/Good Omens Crossover
The Beeb, Rowling, Whedon, Pratchett, and Gaiman all have certain rights over at least some of these characters. But if 'A Study In Emerald' (very good story, by the way) is any indication, at least one of them might understand how this kind of thing happens.
Who Watches The Watchers? co-written with Raven. It's a summer's day in 1996, and everyone in London seems to be in Green Park. Suitable for all ages who can cope with working out why it's 1996.
Filk and other items of questionable quality:
(copyrighted characters, bizarre parody of sources and fandom and self, etc; just for fun, no profit, etc)
The Love Letter List For Valentines' Day 2004, I wrote these drabbles. Aragorn/Legolas, BJ/Peggy, Clark/Lex, Eve/Harmony, Han/Luke, Hawkeye/Trapper, Lionel/Martha, Angel/Lorne, Neville/Draco, Q/Picard, Remus/Sirius, Spike/Fred, Spock/Kirk, Wesley/Buffy.
Spike and the Ring of Doom An attempt to cross over the Buffyverse and Lord of the Rings. I followed it up with another attempt, Are you coming with us, Spike? These are best summed up as a waste of time with the occasional good line in, mostly about Aragorn.
Ooops! I Did It Again A Star Wars/Buffyverse crossover. Because sometimes, four guys just have to have sex. very adult.
Star Trek Verse: Limericks and Haiku.
Star Wars filks: Darth Maul's Song As He Waits On Tatooine; Qui-Gon's Ashes (to be sung as one waits to see the next film); A Jedi Christmas Carol; and two attempts to write Jedi Nursery Rhymes (one, two).
BuffyVerse: Limericks, Haiku, a Triolet and a Pantoum.
A Lord of the Rings filk: Feasting In Rivendell.