Title: Elements and Compounds
Am-Chau Yarkona
Rating: G
Disclaimer: Not my characters.
Summary: Frank angsts. Five minute fic.
Elements are the easy ones. It's compounds that make me crazy; in my first years at medical school, I spent hours every night, sitting up late, trying to learn the name of this one, the chemicals that went into that one, the uses of the other.
Sometimes, I think people are like chemistry. Some of them are elements: Klinger, trying to get out. Margaret, power hungry. Blake, unmilitary.
And some are compounds. Hawkeye and Trapper, never separate. Even when you get one alone, he's defined by his relationship to the other. H and T, never found as elements, always as the compound HT.
They react together, forming a compound, and it's dangerous. Compounds react with others; I tried, I tried to be higher up the series, to spark a redox reaction. It didn't work.
F will never be a compound. F sits in the bottom of the beaker, lowest of the low. HF doesn't exist; nor TF. Even MF is simply a solution, not a reaction, a temporary state of being dissolved.
I know it. And, God, I hate it.