Title: A Big Camp Dance
Author: Am-Chau Yarkona
Pairing: None really, Hawkeye/BJ suggested.
Rating: fairly harmless.
Disclaimer: Not my characters.
Archive: enquire at amchau@popullus.net
“Are you wearing those to the dance tonight, Hawkeye?” BJ asked, looking across the Swamp to where his fellow surgeon was lying on a cot, still in his white scrubs. “Come on, Hawk. Don’t you want to do something different—something fun—for once?”
Exhausted, Hawkeye didn’t so much as sit up. “Fun? Get real, BJ.”
“Hawk, everyone here needs a moral boost.”
“I know, it’s just...”
“Just what? Klinger asked you to be there. Letting him down wouldn’t be fair—you promised.”
“Many a promise gets broken out here.” No reply from BJ. Obviously the barb about broken vows had hit home. “Promises are easy to break.”
Quiet for a moment longer, and then BJ bursts out. “Rub salt into the wound, why don’t you?”
“Salt’s a very good anti-bacterial.” The joking tone of Hawkeye’s voice doesn’t cover the real emotion beneath it. Underneath, he’s exhausted and regretful.
“Very droll,” BJ says in his best Charles voice, “Why, Hawkeye?"
“Xenophobia. You know—fear of foreigners with guns.”
“Zero success with the excuses, Hawkeye, but you win: I’ll go, just to make you and Klinger happy.”
“Ah, do you have to, BJ? Better to stay home with me…”
Claiming one final goodnight kiss for his pains, BJ slipped out into the night, sorry to leave his lover alone but knowing that the pretence had to be maintained. Damned society and its stupid rules.